Men & Masturbation 🎧


Show Notes:

Let's go there. Is masturbation okay? Is it actually helpful? What's the driving force for men behind it all? We've brought in three men to talk about this topic: one who's experienced masturbation with porn, one without porn, and one who has never experienced either.

Abram was part of the Moral Revolution team for 10 years where he helped lead and develop the singles and dating departments. Part of his time involved building the dating courses, Date Well, for men and women. The courses are built to help you get healthy, upgrade your views and strategies of dating, and then practical tools and challenges to date well. You can use the code ABRAMGOFF and get 10% off.

Abram Goff

I'm a dreamer, a lover, an idealist, a futurist, a creative, a follower, and a friend. I'm a lot of things we have titles for, but strip it all down to find what's left—who I really am after seasons and years and cities and nations—I'm loved by God and I'm discovering how to live with Him. I'm on a journey that is ambiguous for the nearsighted yet clearly defined in retrospect—becoming fully alive. It's predictably unpredictable to me in the moment but always leads to where I want to be, even before I know where that is. I often share about the process of finding and living the life Jesus has paid for—the abundant life.  Find out more at

The Goal of Dating 🎧


Making The Move 🎧