How To Move On
I once read “Dating: either you get married or you break up. No pressure.” When it comes to rejection and heartbreak, I’m not a rookie. I've went for it and wish I had and here's some tips from the trenches of how to move on.
How FOMO Is Killing Your Relationships (Fear of Missing Out)
FOMO (The Fear of Missing Out) is the question that seeps in to make you question if this is as good as it could be, or do you need to wait longer for a possible something that could be one day. The devil is still playing the same game...
What Men Want In The Shape of A Woman (Revised)
It's fascinating to see the differences in men and women and how the tension actually compliments each other when celebrated correctly. Men are visual and are made to admire beauty. Women are beautiful and have an inner desire to be seen as beautiful.
How to Ask Out A Girl
Have you ever saw the girl, wanted to ask her out, then realized the English language and you just took a break. You want to say something but have no idea what to say? Been there. Let me help.
The Difference Between "Coffee" and "Dinner"
I'm interested in this girl, should I ask her for coffee or dinner. Are they the same? What does it communicate to her?
How to End A Coffee Date
Now that the end of the date as come, you realize it's time to communicate the next step. Are you down for more or would you rather bow out here? do you say that?
Giving Love Room To Conceive
As singles in the Church, we're taught to leverage our singleness for the Kingdom. Some of us need to stop giving ourselves so freely in the single season.