Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

Are You Dating Or Just Waiting? Podcast

Many times in the church we've leaned into our relationship with God, in fact, we say we're "waiting on God." Some of us have taken that too far that we're using it as an excuse. Others have overcompensated and are trying to do it all on our own without the partnership with God. Want to find out where you are and what is actually healthy?

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

God Said, "She's the one": 5 Myths We Believe

If you live around single Christians who want to please God long enough, you’ll run into this conversation a few times - or maybe experience it yourself. We completely believe God cares and is invested passionately and intimately about our lives and speaks to us about our relationships. We also realize that there could be some other areas and beliefs influencing how you hear God.

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

You're Not A Victim To Your Attraction

When you see someone you’re attracted to, awesome, opportunity time. Ask yourself, “what am I attracted to about this person? What do I like about him/her?” Is it his confidence? Is it her kindness? Does he represent a really good caring dad to me - one that I wish I was or wish I had when I was growing up?

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

How Bitterness Is Stopping You From Being Asked Out

When pain from the past goes unresolved and unhealed, it leads to self-protective measures and often bitterness. We make accusations and judgments against the other gender and consciously or subconsciously create walls and space between us. While we both have fallen into this trap, this is how your actions are affecting the men that you’re hoping will pursue you.

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

To All The Nice Guys Finishing Last

I know you’re the nice guy, but you’re not really getting what you want out of relationships and no one really knows (or perhaps has said) why. While I know tons of people less prepared or qualified who have entered into a relationship and even marriage, I've also found a few beliefs or hard truths that have kept many nice guys’ process from being as smooth as it could have been.

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

Long-Distance Relationships Tips

Dating is a beautiful and ever-changing process that has unique challenges. Throw in the added element of physically not being able to be together, and you have a whole new level of challenges added into the mix. Many people wonder if it’s possible to do it and do it well? The answer is yes and yes!

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

Don't Smother The Spark: Too Much Too Soon

I was 27 years old before I learned that the skills that make a good relationship are not the same skills that start a new relationship. Everywhere I went people would tell me I’d be a good husband and father, except I wasn’t getting through the first few dates very smoothly.  I saw people all around me doing the same thing - giving too much too soon.

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

Ways to Kill A First Date

So you finally got the date. Maybe a miracle happened and a man was given the sight and courage to not only see you, but ask you out. Maybe after your twelve-year sentence to the friend zone, you found a nice female warden to let you out to see the sunshine of a romantic first date. Or maybe this is your sixth first date this month. Whichever storyline brought you to this point, here we all are on the first date...trying not to mess it up. Your past experience and beliefs about how things should go or could go will have more influence on your date than picking the right clothes will.

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

How To Move On

I once read “Dating: either you get married or you break up. No pressure.” When it comes to rejection and heartbreak, I’m not a rookie. I've went for it and wish I had and here's some tips from the trenches of how to move on.

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

What Men Want In The Shape of A Woman (Revised)

It's fascinating to see the differences in men and women and how the tension actually compliments each other when celebrated correctly. Men are visual and are made to admire beauty. Women are beautiful and have an inner desire to be seen as beautiful. 

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

How to Ask Out A Girl

Have you ever saw the girl, wanted to ask her out, then realized the English language and you just took a break. You want to say something but have no idea what to say? Been there. Let me help. 

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Dating Abram Goff Dating Abram Goff

How to End A Coffee Date

Now that the end of the date as come, you realize it's time to communicate the next step. Are you down for more or would you rather bow out here? do you say that?

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